Veganism: why does the world seem so against it?

How can cruelty be justified? What makes a diet good? What makes it bad? Why can’t the majority of people make the connection between the steak on their plate and the living animal in the paddock? Is it so outrageous that I choose not to eat another living being? Or that I would rather not drink its mother’s milk? These are all question that completely bewilder me.

Today vegans are portrayed as many things. Crazy, absurd, self-righteous and just plain unhealthy and undernourished. But what is so absurd about choosing not to murder another animal. To subject it to cruel and unnecessary torture, when meat isn’t essential to our survival?

People are taught from a young age that a cow’s milk will make your bones strong. That it is necessary. But is this the case? There is so much research and documentaries all about the negative effects that cow’s milk has on human bodies. And what about the many lactose intolerant people? Approximately 65% of our population is lactose intolerant at some level. Is it just a coincidence that this amazing liquid which is so crucial to our health, cannot be stomached by a vast majority of people, that it actually unsettles their stomachs and makes them sick.

Protein is another issue. Vegans don’t get enough protein in their diet, or enough iron because they don’t consume meat. This is the argument that many meat eaters convey. And it is so frustrating! Meat isn’t the only source of protein on the planet. And protein isn’t the only source of nutrition that a body needs to survive! What about carbs, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals etc. And a vegan diet doesn’t necessarily mean you will become anaemic.

The New Zealand dairy industry is portrayed as the most humane of dairy industries. When I talk about documentaries and mistreatment of animals, I’m told that doesn’t happen in New Zealand, that it only happens in America. But last night footage was finally released on television of just how cruel this industry can be. Down on the farm is a quick look at what the industry is really like. Definitely worth a watch.

Is anyone else as confused as me about this absurdity? Why do people choose to pull the wool over their eyes? Why is it so much easier to ignore the issue than to address it?

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